Cool Symbol Copy And Paste
Expressive,Cute,Creations,Stylish Symbols Collection
Star Symbol ✨ More Cool Symbol Copy and Paste
Our collection of star symbols is just a click away! Whether you love the bold Black Star (★), the graceful Outlined White Star (⚝), the whimsical Shooting Star (🌠), or the radiant ✨, we’ve got it all. From the elegant Circled Star (✪) to the magical Star and Crescent (☪) and beyond, there’s a symbol for every mood.
Copyright, Trademark, Office & Law Symbols
For your legal and office needs, we’ve got you covered with symbols like the *✉✎✏✐✑✒*Copyright Symbol* (©), *Trademark Symbol* (™), and *Service Mark Symbol* (℠). These symbols are essential for documents, contracts, or projects related to intellectual property and legal matters. Simply click to copy and paste!
Currency Symbols – Cent, Dollar, Euro… Symbols
Quickly copy and paste currency symbols like the *Dollar Sign* ($),*₿ Ξ ₮ ₳ ✕ ◎ Ð Ł Ⱥ Ƀ Ο ξ ɱ ꜩ ε ɨ Ɓ Μ ⓩ Đ Ӿ Ɍ ȿ *Euro Symbol* (€), *Rupee Symbol* (₹), and even the *Bitcoin Symbol* (₿). Ideal for financial documents, price listings, or digital transactions, you can easily copy a single symbol or multiple symbols to your clipboard for future use.
Bracket Symbol copy aand paste
Used as an opening delimiter
Common in programming.
Used as a closing delimiter
Common in programming.
Used in East Asian text
Indicates quotations.
Closing delimiter for quotes
Common in East Asian text.
Used for quotations
Common in East Asian typography.
Closing quote symbol
Used in East Asian typography.
Used for titles
Common in literature.
Closing title symbol
Common in literature.
Used for grouping
Common in mathematics.
Closing bracket for grouping
Common in mathematics.
Used for grouping
Common in various notations.
Closing bracket for grouping
Common in various notations.
Used in mathematical expressions
Denotes grouping.
Closing parenthesis for grouping
Common in mathematics.
Used for grouping
Common in notation.
Closing bracket for grouping
Common in notation.
Used in decorative contexts
Common in art.
Closing decorative symbol
Common in art.
Used in artistic contexts
Common in decorative designs.
Closing artistic symbol
Common in decorative designs.
Used for grouping
Common in various notations.
Closing bracket for grouping
Common in various notations.
Indicates direction
Common in navigation.
Indicates direction
Common in navigation.
Indicates direction
Common in navigation.
Indicates direction
Common in navigation.
Used in mathematical expressions
Denotes grouping.
Closing parenthesis for grouping
Common in mathematics.
Used for grouping
Common in mathematical expressions.
Closing parenthesis for grouping
Common in mathematical expressions.
Used for grouping
Common in various notations.
Closing brace for grouping
Common in various notations.
Used for grouping
Common in notation.
Closing bracket for grouping
Common in notation.
Used in comparisons
Common in mathematics.
Used in comparisons
Common in mathematics.
Used in East Asian typography
Common in text.
Closing parenthesis
Used in East Asian typography.
Used in comparisons
Common in East Asian text.
Used in comparisons
Common in East Asian text.
Used for grouping
Common in various notations.
Closing brace for grouping
Common in various notations.
Used for quotations
Common in literature.
Closing quote symbol
Common in literature.
Used for grouping
Common in notations.
Closing curly bracket
Common in notations.
Used for grouping
Common in various notations.
Closing parenthesis
Common in various notations.
Used for quotations
Common in literature.
Closing quotation mark
Common in literature.
Used for quotations
Common in literature.
Closing quotation mark
Common in literature.
Used in mathematical notation
Denotes limits.
Closing angle bracket
Common in mathematical notation.
Used in notation
Common in diagrams.
For designers and writers alike, the ability to quickly copy and paste bracket symbols like *《》「」『』【】〔〕()<>{}〖〗〘〙〚〛« »*Parentheses* ( ), *Square Brackets* [ ], *Curly Braces* { }, and even the *Corner Bracket* (⦅) is essential. You can use them in a variety of contexts, from coding to math equations. Just click, copy, and paste with ease!
Chess & Card Symbols
The most important piece
Must be protected.
The most powerful piece
Can move in any direction.
Moves horizontally and vertically
Great for controlling files.
Moves diagonally
Can control long diagonals.
Moves in an L-shape
Can jump over other pieces.
Moves forward one square
Can capture diagonally.
The most important piece
Must be protected.
The most powerful piece
Can move in any direction.
Moves horizontally and vertically
Great for controlling files.
Moves diagonally
Can control long diagonals.
Moves in an L-shape
Can jump over other pieces.
Moves forward one square
Can capture diagonally.
One of the four suits in cards
Represents a sword.
One of the four suits in cards
Common in card games.
One of the four suits in cards
Represents a club or bat.
One of the four suits in cards
Common in card games.
One of the four suits in cards
Represents love.
One of the four suits in cards
Commonly associated with love.
One of the four suits in cards
Represents wealth.
One of the four suits in cards
Common in card games.
Chess lovers and card game enthusiasts will appreciate the collection of *♔♕♖♗♘♙♚♛♜♝♞*Chess Symbols* and *Card Symbols*. Copy the *King* (♔), *Queen*(♕), *Pawn*\* (♙), or even *Playing Card Symbols*\ like *Spades* (♠), *Hearts* (♥), and more. Perfect for game-related content or creative designs.
Musical Notes & Music Symbols
A basic musical note
Equal to one beat.
A shorter musical note
Half a beat.
Two eighth notes connected
Used in faster music.
Four notes together
Very quick tempo.
Lowers a note by half a step
Common in many scales.
Restores a note to its original pitch
Cancels flat or sharp signs.
Raises a note by half a step
Often found in key signatures.
Indicates a diminished chord
Used in various harmonic progressions.
Used to indicate a specific chord
Common in jazz music.
Used in specific musical traditions
Varies in use across cultures.
Mathematical and symbolic
Used in music theory comparisons.
Indicates two elements are different
Occasionally used in musical contexts.
A sheet of written music
Used by musicians to perform a piece.
Multiple notes played in sequence
Represents melody or harmony.
A wind instrument
Popular in jazz and classical music.
A string instrument
Used in a wide range of music genres.
A keyboard instrument
Essential for classical and contemporary music.
A brass instrument
Common in orchestras and jazz bands.
A string instrument
Often used in folk and country music.
A percussion instrument
Found in many musical traditions.
A hand drum
Originates from West Africa.
A simple drum with a frame
Used in various cultures.
A percussion instrument
Has jingles along the side.
Add Rhythm to your words with musical symbols Collection! From like*♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ 𝄞 𝄡 𝄢 𝄪 𝄫 🎵🎶 𓏢 🎼 🎹 🎻🎷🎸🎺🥁*Musical Notes* (♪) to **Clef Symbols** (𝄞), and even the *Musical Scale** (🎶), you can copy and paste these symbols to enhance music-related content or projects. Whether you’re writing lyrics or creating a playlist, these symbols are just a click away.
Weather & Degree, Unit Symbols
For anyone involved in meteorology or science, All weather symbols Collection like *℃℉ϟ☀☁☂*Cloud* (☁️), *Sun* (☀️), and *Rain* (🌧️) are essential. You’ll also find *Degree Symbol* (°) and other unit symbols to use in temperature readings, scientific formulas, or simply to make your posts more informative and engaging.
Arrows Symbols
Need to point in the right direction? Whether you’re creating designs*↕↖↗↘↙↚↛↜↝↞↟↠↡↢↣↤↥↦↧↨↩↪↫↬↭↮↯↰↱↲↳↴↶↷↸↹*, user interfaces, or documents, our *Arrow Symbols* like *Right Arrow* (→), **Up Arrow** (↑), and *Double Arrow* (⇔) can be copied and pasted in a flash. Navigate your content with ease using these simple yet effective symbols.
Astrological & Zodiac Sign Symbols
Explore your astrological side with *Zodiac Symbols* like *☮☸♈♉☪♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓☤☥☧☨☩☫☬*Aries** (♈), **Taurus** (♉), and others. Whether you’re a fan of astrology or just looking to add some celestial Symbols to your content, these symbols are perfect for you. Copy and paste your zodiac sign or those of your Friends and family!
Heart Symbols
Express love and affection with heart symbols like *♥ ♡ ❤ ❥ ❣❣ – Heart Exclamation: A symbol combining a heart and an exclamation mark to express excitement or intense feelings of love. ❦ ❧ დ ღ ۵ ლ ও 🤍 🤎 🩶 ❤️️ 🧡️ 🩷 💙 💚 💛 💜 🖤 💗 💓 🩵 💔 💟 💕 💖 ❣️ 💘 💝 💞 💌 ❤🔥*Heart* (♥), *Broken Heart* (💔), *Heart with Arrow* (💘), and many more. Whether you’re writing a love letter, creating social media content, or adding a personal touch to a message, these symbols make it easy to convey your feelings.
Check Mark & Tick Cool Symbols – Copy and Paste Easily
Explore a variety of check marks and tick symbols ready to copy and paste in a single click like,*✓✔✗✘☓∨√✔️✅❎❌💯*Whether you need a classic check (✔), a bold tick (✅), or a decorative mark (✔), we have them all. Perfect for enhancing your documents, checklists, or designs with style and ease.
Male, Female, People & Smiley Symbols
Punctuation Symbols
Maths Symbols-Pi, Infinity, Sum, Square Root, Maths… Signs & Symbols ∞ Σ π
Number Symbol copy and paste
Fraction Symbols
Comparison Symbols
Technical Symbols
Square & Rectangle Symbols
Triangle Symbols Copy and Paste
Line Symbols
Corner Symbol copy and paste
Circle Symbols
A solid circle with a dot in the center.
An empty circle.
A diacritical mark.
A circle with a dot inside.
A circle with a thick outline.
A filled black circle.
A circle with the left half filled.
A circle with the right half filled.
A circle with the upper half filled.
A circle with the lower half filled.
A circle with the upper right filled.
A circle with the lower right filled.
A circle with the upper left filled.
A circle with the lower left filled.
Represents the sun.
Indicates radioactive materials.
Symbol used in mathematics.
Represents a dot in a circle.
A bullet symbol.
A white circle symbol.
A circle with a dot inside.
A circle that is filled in.
A semicircle facing up.
A semicircle facing down.
A semicircle facing left.
A semicircle facing right.
A partial circle in the top left.
A partial circle in the top right.
A large empty circle.
A circle used in East Asian typography.
A symbol representing the direction north.
A filled black circle.
A medium-sized filled black circle.
An empty small circle.
A symbol representing an empty set.
A symbol used in mathematics.
A plus sign in a circle.
A minus sign in a circle.
A division sign in a circle.
A ring symbol in a circle.
A star symbol in a circle.
A solid dot in a circle.
A dash symbol in a circle.
A circle that is empty.
A hollow black circle symbol.
Phonetic Symbol copy and paste
Latin Letters Symbols Copy and Paste
Greek Letters Symbols Copy and Paste
(Japanese Symbols)-日本語のひらがな記号:コピー&ペースト可能なシンボル
English: Represents the small version of ‘a’.
Japanese: 小さい「ア」 (chiisai “A”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ア」 (A)
English: Represents the small version of ‘i’.
Japanese: 小さい「イ」 (chiisai “I”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘i’.
Japanese: 「イ」 (I)
English: Represents the small version of ‘u’.
Japanese: 小さい「ウ」 (chiisai “U”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ウ」 (U)
English: Represents the small version of ‘e’.
Japanese: 小さい「エ」 (chiisai “E”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘e’.
Japanese: 「エ」 (E)
English: Represents the small version of ‘o’.
Japanese: 小さい「オ」 (chiisai “O”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘o’.
Japanese: 「オ」 (O)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「カ」 (Ka)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ka’.
Japanese: 「ガ」 (Ga)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「キ」 (Ki)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ki’.
Japanese: 「ギ」 (Gi)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ク」 (Ku)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ku’.
Japanese: 「グ」 (Gu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ケ」 (Ke)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ke’.
Japanese: 「ゲ」 (Ge)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「コ」 (Ko)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ko’.
Japanese: 「ゴ」 (Go)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「サ」 (Sa)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘sa’.
Japanese: 「ザ」 (Za)
English: Represents the consonant ‘sh’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「シ」 (Shi)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘shi’.
Japanese: 「ジ」 (Ji)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ス」 (Su)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘su’.
Japanese: 「ズ」 (Zu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「セ」 (Se)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘se’.
Japanese: 「ゼ」 (Ze)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ソ」 (So)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘so’.
Japanese: 「ゾ」 (Zo)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「タ」 (Ta)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ta’.
Japanese: 「ダ」 (Da)
English: Represents the consonant ‘ch’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「チ」 (Chi)
English: Voiced version of ‘chi’, used in some words.
Japanese: 「ヂ」 (Ji)
English: Indicates a pause or gemination of the next consonant.
Japanese: 小さい「ツ」 (chiisai “Tsu”)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ツ」 (Tsu)
English: Voiced version of ‘tsu’, used in some words.
Japanese: 「ヅ」 (Zu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「テ」 (Te)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘te’.
Japanese: 「デ」 (De)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ト」 (To)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘to’.
Japanese: 「ド」 (Do)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ナ」 (Na)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ニ」 (Ni)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ヌ」 (Nu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ネ」 (Ne)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ノ」 (No)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ハ」 (Ha)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ha’.
Japanese: 「バ」 (Ba)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘ha’.
Japanese: 「パ」 (Pa)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ヒ」 (Hi)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘hi’.
Japanese: 「ビ」 (Bi)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘hi’.
Japanese: 「ピ」 (Pi)
English: Represents the consonant ‘f’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「フ」 (Fu)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘fu’.
Japanese: 「ブ」 (Bu)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘fu’.
Japanese: 「プ」 (Pu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ヘ」 (He)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘he’.
Japanese: 「ベ」 (Be)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘he’.
Japanese: 「ペ」 (Pe)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ホ」 (Ho)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ho’.
Japanese: 「ボ」 (Bo)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘ho’.
Japanese: 「ポ」 (Po)
English: Represents the consonant ‘m’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「マ」 (Ma)
English: Represents the consonant ‘m’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ミ」 (Mi)
Chinese Emojis & Symbol copy and paste
People And Body Emoji Symbols
Nature Emoji Symbols
Hands Emoji And Symbols
Meaning: 👍
About: Used to express approval, agreement, or encouragement.
Meaning: 👎
About: Indicates disapproval or disagreement with something.
Meaning: 👌
About: Signifies that everything is fine or satisfactory.
Meaning: 👊
About: Represents a punch or solidarity among friends.
Meaning: ✊
About: Symbolizes strength, unity, and resistance.
Meaning: ✌️
About: Represents peace, victory, or goodwill.
Meaning: 👋
About: Used to greet or say goodbye to someone.
Meaning: ✋
About: Can signify a greeting or a request to stop.
Meaning: 👐
About: Indicates openness, giving, or sharing.
Meaning: 👆
About: Used to indicate direction upwards.
Meaning: 👇
About: Used to indicate direction downwards.
Meaning: 👉
About: Used to indicate direction to the right.
Meaning: 👈
About: Used to indicate direction to the left.
Meaning: 🙌
About: Represents celebration, joy, or praise.
Meaning: 🙏
About: Signifies prayer, gratitude, or request for peace.
Meaning: 💪
About: Symbolizes strength, power, or fitness.
Meaning: 🖖
About: A greeting popularized by “Star Trek,” symbolizes peace.
Meaning: 🖐
About: Represents a stop gesture or greeting.
Meaning: ☝️
About: Indicates upward direction or an important point.
Meaning: 👏
About: Used to show appreciation or applause.
Meaning: ✍️
About: Represents writing or note-taking.
Meaning: 🤘
About: Often used in rock music culture to signify excitement.
Meaning: 🖕
About: A rude gesture used to show disrespect or anger.
Meaning: 🤞
About: Used to wish for luck or hope for a positive outcome.
Meaning: 🤙
About: Used to suggest calling someone or to say “hang loose.”
Meaning: 🤛
About: Often symbolizes a greeting or fist bump.
Meaning: 🤜
About: Used to indicate strength or a fist bump greeting.
Meaning: 🤚
About: Represents a gesture of stop or a high five.
Meaning: 🤝
About: Symbolizes agreement, partnership, or greeting.
Meaning: 🤟
About: A gesture to express love or affection, often used in rock culture.
Meaning: 🤲
About: Represents offering, receiving, or sharing something.
Meaning: 🤌
About: Often used to express precision or a culinary gesture.
Meaning: 💅
About: Represents beauty, self-care, or confidence.
Arrows Emoji Symbols
Writing Symbol & Emoji Copy and Paste
Smiley Text Symbol Copy and Paste
A joyful expression
Commonly used for happiness.
Indicates delight
Used to show enjoyment.
Represents happiness
Often conveys excitement.
Shows intense amusement
Used when laughing hard.
Conveys relief or awkwardness
Used in tense situations.
Indicates laughter
Used to express humor.
Represents uncontrollable laughter
Used for something very funny.
Indicates warmth and happiness
Used for a kind smile.
Represents innocence
Used to imply goodness.
Conveys playfulness
Used in a teasing manner.
Represents geekiness
Used for intellect or study.
Indicates coolness
Used to show confidence.
Conveys playfulness
Used in a joking manner.
Used for flirtation
Represents cheeky fun.
Indicates love or admiration
Used for romantic feelings.
Represents affection
Used to express deep love.
Conveys love or affection
Used to send kisses.
Represents a kiss
Used in romantic contexts.
Indicates tenderness
Used for sweet moments.
Conveys love and affection
Used for romantic gestures.
Indicates deliciousness
Used when enjoying food.
Represents a hug
Used to show support.
Indicates anger
Used to express frustration.
Represents rage
Used to show strong emotions.
Indicates embarrassment
Used in awkward situations.
Represents smugness
Used to convey sarcasm.
Indicates disapproval
Used when bored or annoyed.
Represents sadness
Used to express disappointment.
Indicates deep thought
Used for reflective moments.
Represents concern
Used to show anxiety.
Indicates puzzlement
Used when things are unclear.
Represents mild sadness
Used to show discontent.
Indicates unhappiness
Used to express dismay.
Represents struggle
Used when facing challenges.
Indicates frustration
Used for intense annoyance.
Represents anxiety
Used when feeling pressured.
Indicates mixed emotions
Used for bittersweet feelings.
Represents sadness
Used to show sorrow.
Indicates extreme sadness
Used when very upset.
Represents disgust
Used when feeling sick.
Indicates illness
Used when sneezing or allergies.
Represents health precautions
Used in health contexts.
Indicates illness
Used to show being sick.
Represents injury
Used when hurt or in pain.
Represents wealth
Used when talking about money.
Crypto Currency Symbols Copy and Paste
A digital currency
Represents cryptocurrency.
A decentralized platform
Used for smart contracts.
The currency of Mongolia
Represents local currency.
Ancient Roman gold coin
Represents wealth.
Represents multiplication
Used in math.
Indicates a point
Often used in graphics.
Represents a point
Used in lists and designs.
Symbol used in various contexts
Represents morality.
Represents clarity
Used in designs and arts.
The currency of Poland
Represents local currency.
Used in various languages
Represents sound variations.
Used in phonetic transcription
Represents specific sounds.
Used in Greek alphabet
Represents a vowel sound.
Represents limitless possibilities
Used in mathematics.
Used in Greek alphabet
Represents a consonant sound.
Used in phonetic transcription
Represents specific sounds.
Used in various contexts
Represents phonetic variation.
Used in phonetic transcription
Represents specific sounds.
Represents a vowel sound
Used in mathematics and science.
Used in various languages
Represents specific sounds.
Used in Greek alphabet
Represents a consonant sound.
Represents the letter Z
Used for emphasis or decoration.
Used in various languages
Represents specific sounds.
Used in Cyrillic scripts
Represents specific sounds.
Used in phonetic transcription
Represents specific sounds.
Used in phonetic transcription
Represents specific sounds.
Japanese’s Symbols
English: Represents the small version of ‘a’.
Japanese: 小さい「ア」 (chiisai “A”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ア」 (A)
English: Represents the small version of ‘i’.
Japanese: 小さい「イ」 (chiisai “I”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘i’.
Japanese: 「イ」 (I)
English: Represents the small version of ‘u’.
Japanese: 小さい「ウ」 (chiisai “U”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ウ」 (U)
English: Represents the small version of ‘e’.
Japanese: 小さい「エ」 (chiisai “E”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘e’.
Japanese: 「エ」 (E)
English: Represents the small version of ‘o’.
Japanese: 小さい「オ」 (chiisai “O”)
English: Represents the vowel sound ‘o’.
Japanese: 「オ」 (O)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「カ」 (Ka)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ka’.
Japanese: 「ガ」 (Ga)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「キ」 (Ki)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ki’.
Japanese: 「ギ」 (Gi)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ク」 (Ku)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ku’.
Japanese: 「グ」 (Gu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ケ」 (Ke)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ke’.
Japanese: 「ゲ」 (Ge)
English: Represents the consonant ‘k’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「コ」 (Ko)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ko’.
Japanese: 「ゴ」 (Go)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「サ」 (Sa)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘sa’.
Japanese: 「ザ」 (Za)
English: Represents the consonant ‘sh’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「シ」 (Shi)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘shi’.
Japanese: 「ジ」 (Ji)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ス」 (Su)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘su’.
Japanese: 「ズ」 (Zu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「セ」 (Se)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘se’.
Japanese: 「ゼ」 (Ze)
English: Represents the consonant ‘s’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ソ」 (So)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘so’.
Japanese: 「ゾ」 (Zo)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「タ」 (Ta)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ta’.
Japanese: 「ダ」 (Da)
English: Represents the consonant ‘ch’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「チ」 (Chi)
English: Voiced version of ‘chi’, used in some words.
Japanese: 「ヂ」 (Ji)
English: Indicates a pause or gemination of the next consonant.
Japanese: 小さい「ツ」 (chiisai “Tsu”)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ツ」 (Tsu)
English: Voiced version of ‘tsu’, used in some words.
Japanese: 「ヅ」 (Zu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「テ」 (Te)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘te’.
Japanese: 「デ」 (De)
English: Represents the consonant ‘t’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ト」 (To)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘to’.
Japanese: 「ド」 (Do)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ナ」 (Na)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ニ」 (Ni)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「ヌ」 (Nu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ネ」 (Ne)
English: Represents the consonant ‘n’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ノ」 (No)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「ハ」 (Ha)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ha’.
Japanese: 「バ」 (Ba)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘ha’.
Japanese: 「パ」 (Pa)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ヒ」 (Hi)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘hi’.
Japanese: 「ビ」 (Bi)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘hi’.
Japanese: 「ピ」 (Pi)
English: Represents the consonant ‘f’ followed by ‘u’.
Japanese: 「フ」 (Fu)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘fu’.
Japanese: 「ブ」 (Bu)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘fu’.
Japanese: 「プ」 (Pu)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘e’.
Japanese: 「ヘ」 (He)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘he’.
Japanese: 「ベ」 (Be)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘he’.
Japanese: 「ペ」 (Pe)
English: Represents the consonant ‘h’ followed by ‘o’.
Japanese: 「ホ」 (Ho)
English: Represents the voiced version of ‘ho’.
Japanese: 「ボ」 (Bo)
English: Represents the aspirated version of ‘ho’.
Japanese: 「ポ」 (Po)
English: Represents the consonant ‘m’ followed by ‘a’.
Japanese: 「マ」 (Ma)
English: Represents the consonant ‘m’ followed by ‘i’.
Japanese: 「ミ」 (Mi)