Hebrew Symbols Copy and Pasteע פ צ ק ר

Hebrew Symbols

א – Aleph: Represents the number one and signifies an ox or strength.
ב – Bet: Represents the number two and signifies a house or dwelling.
ג – Gimel: Represents the number three and signifies a camel or giving.
ד – Dalet: Represents the number four and signifies a door or pathway.
ה – Hei: Represents the number five and signifies a window or revelation.
ו – Vav: Represents the number six and signifies a hook or connection.
ז – Zayin: Represents the number seven and signifies a weapon or sword.
ח – Chet: Represents the number eight and signifies a fence or enclosure.
ט – Tet: Represents the number nine and signifies a serpent or goodness.
י – Yud: Represents the number ten and signifies a hand or divine point.
כ – Kaf: Represents the number twenty and signifies a palm or spoon.
ל – Lamed: Represents the number thirty and signifies a staff or learning.
מ – Mem: Represents the number forty and signifies water or chaos.
נ – Nun: Represents the number fifty and signifies a fish or activity.
ס – Samekh: Represents the number sixty and signifies support or protection.
ע – Ayin: Represents the number seventy and signifies an eye or sight.
פ – Pe: Represents the number eighty and signifies a mouth or expression.
צ – Tsadi: Represents the number ninety and signifies a fishhook or righteousness.
ק – Qof: Represents the number one hundred and signifies a monkey or holiness.
ר – Resh: Represents the number two hundred and signifies a head or leader.
ש – Shin: Represents the number three hundred and signifies a tooth or fire.
ת – Tav: Represents the number four hundred and signifies a cross or truth.
Ⅰ (Roman numeral I) – Represents the number 1.
Ⅱ (Roman numeral II) – Represents the number 2.
Ⅲ (Roman numeral III) – Represents the number 3.
Ⅳ (Roman numeral IV) – Represents the number 4.
Ⅴ (Roman numeral V) – Represents the number 5.
Ⅵ (Roman numeral VI) – Represents the number 6.
Ⅶ (Roman numeral VII) – Represents the number 7.
Ⅷ (Roman numeral VIII) – Represents the number 8.
Ⅸ (Roman numeral IX) – Represents the number 9.
Ⅹ (Roman numeral X) – Represents the number 10.
Ⅺ (Roman numeral XI) – Represents the number 11.
Ⅻ (Roman numeral XII) – Represents the number 12.
Ⅼ (Roman numeral L) – Represents the number 50.
Ⅽ (Roman numeral C) – Represents the number 100.
Ⅾ (Roman numeral D) – Represents the number 500.
Ⅿ (Roman numeral M) – Represents the number 1000.
ⅰ (Roman numeral i) – Represents the number 1 in lowercase.
ⅱ (Roman numeral ii) – Represents the number 2 in lowercase.
ⅲ (Roman numeral iii) – Represents the number 3 in lowercase.
ⅳ (Roman numeral iv) – Represents the number 4 in lowercase.
ⅴ (Roman numeral v) – Represents the number 5 in lowercase.
ⅵ (Roman numeral vi) – Represents the number 6 in lowercase.
ⅶ (Roman numeral vii) – Represents the number 7 in lowercase.
ⅷ (Roman numeral viii) – Represents the number 8 in lowercase.
ⅸ (Roman numeral ix) – Represents the number 9 in lowercase.
ⅹ (Roman numeral x) – Represents the number 10 in lowercase.
ⅺ (Roman numeral xi) – Represents the number 11 in lowercase.
ⅻ (Roman numeral xii) – Represents the number 12 in lowercase.
ⅼ (Roman numeral l) – Represents the number 50 in lowercase.
ⅽ (Roman numeral c) – Represents the number 100 in lowercase.
ⅾ (Roman numeral d) – Represents the number 500 in lowercase.
ⅿ (Roman numeral m) – Represents the number 1000 in lowercase.
ↀ (Roman numeral 0) – Represents the number 0.
ↁ (Roman numeral 1) – Represents the number 1 in alternative format.
ↂ (Roman numeral 2) – Represents the number 2 in alternative format.
➀ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1.
➁ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2.
➂ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3.
➃ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4.
➄ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5.
➅ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6.
➆ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7.
➇ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8.
➈ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9.
➉ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10.
➊ (Circled number 11) – Represents the number 11.
➋ (Circled number 12) – Represents the number 12.
➌ (Circled number 13) – Represents the number 13.
➍ (Circled number 14) – Represents the number 14.
➎ (Circled number 15) – Represents the number 15.
➏ (Circled number 16) – Represents the number 16.
➐ (Circled number 17) – Represents the number 17.
➑ (Circled number 18) – Represents the number 18.
➒ (Circled number 19) – Represents the number 19.
➓ (Circled number 20) – Represents the number 20.
⓵ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1 in a different style.
⓶ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2 in a different style.
⓷ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3 in a different style.
⓸ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4 in a different style.
⓹ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5 in a different style.
⓺ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6 in a different style.
⓻ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7 in a different style.
⓼ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8 in a different style.
⓽ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9 in a different style.
⓾ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10 in a different style.
⓿ (Circled number 0) – Represents the number 0 in a different style.
❶ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1 in a different style.
❷ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2 in a different style.
❸ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3 in a different style.
❹ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4 in a different style.
❺ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5 in a different style.
❻ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6 in a different style.
❼ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7 in a different style.
❽ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8 in a different style.
❾ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9 in a different style.
❿ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10 in a different style.
⁰ (Superscript 0) – Represents the number 0 in superscript.
¹ (Superscript 1) – Represents the number 1 in superscript.
² (Superscript 2) – Represents the number 2 in superscript.
³ (Superscript 3) – Represents the number 3 in superscript.
⁴ (Superscript 4) – Represents the number 4 in superscript.
⁵ (Superscript 5) – Represents the number 5 in superscript.
⁶ (Superscript 6) – Represents the number 6 in superscript.
⁷ (Superscript 7) – Represents the number 7 in superscript.
⁸ (Superscript 8) – Represents the number 8 in superscript.
⁹ (Superscript 9) – Represents the number 9 in superscript.
₀ (Subscript 0) – Represents the number 0 in subscript.
₁ (Subscript 1) – Represents the number 1 in subscript.
₂ (Subscript 2) – Represents the number 2 in subscript.
₃ (Subscript 3) – Represents the number 3 in subscript.
₄ (Subscript 4) – Represents the number 4 in subscript.
₅ (Subscript 5) – Represents the number 5 in subscript.
₆ (Subscript 6) – Represents the number 6 in subscript.
₇ (Subscript 7) – Represents the number 7 in subscript.
₈ (Subscript 8) – Represents the number 8 in subscript.
₉ (Subscript 9) – Represents the number 9 in subscript.
⓪ (Circled number 0) – Represents the number 0.
① (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1.
② (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2.
③ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3.
④ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4.
⑤ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5.
⑥ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6.
⑦ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7.
⑧ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8.
⑨ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9.
⑩ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10.
⑪ (Circled number 11) – Represents the number 11.
⑫ (Circled number 12) – Represents the number 12.
⑬ (Circled number 13) – Represents the number 13.
⑭ (Circled number 14) – Represents the number 14.
⑮ (Circled number 15) – Represents the number 15.
⑯ (Circled number 16) – Represents the number 16.
⑰ (Circled number 17) – Represents the number 17.
⒅ (Circled number 39) – Represents the number 39.
⒆ (Circled number 40) – Represents the number 40.
⒇ (Circled number 41) – Represents the number 41.
⒈ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1.
⒉ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2.
⒊ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3.
⒋ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4.
⒌ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5.
⒍ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6.
⒎ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7.
⒏ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8.
⒐ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9.
⒑ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10.
⒒ (Circled number 11) – Represents the number 11.
⒓ (Circled number 12) – Represents the number 12.
⒔ (Circled number 13) – Represents the number 13.
⒕ (Circled number 14) – Represents the number 14.
⒖ (Circled number 15) – Represents the number 15.
⒗ (Circled number 16) – Represents the number 16.
⒘ (Circled number 17) – Represents the number 17.
⒙ (Circled number 18) – Represents the number 18.
⒚ (Circled number 19) – Represents the number 19.
⒛ (Circled number 20) – Represents the number 20.
㈠ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1 in a different style.
㈡ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2 in a different style.
㈢ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3 in a different style.
㈣ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4 in a different style.
㈤ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5 in a different style.
㈥ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6 in a different style.
㈦ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7 in a different style.
㈧ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8 in a different style.
㈨ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9 in a different style.
㈩ (Circled number 10) – Represents the number 10 in a different style.
㊀ (Circled number 0) – Represents the number 0 in a different style.
㊁ (Circled number 1) – Represents the number 1 in a different style.
㊂ (Circled number 2) – Represents the number 2 in a different style.
㊃ (Circled number 3) – Represents the number 3 in a different style.
㊄ (Circled number 4) – Represents the number 4 in a different style.
㊅ (Circled number 5) – Represents the number 5 in a different style.
㊆ (Circled number 6) – Represents the number 6 in a different style.
㊇ (Circled number 7) – Represents the number 7 in a different style.
㊈ (Circled number 8) – Represents the number 8 in a different style.
㊉ (Circled number 9) – Represents the number 9 in a different style.
0 (Full-width 0) – Represents the number 0 in full-width form.
1 (Full-width 1) – Represents the number 1 in full-width form.
2 (Full-width 2) – Represents the number 2 in full-width form.
3 (Full-width 3) – Represents the number 3 in full-width form.
4 (Full-width 4) – Represents the number 4 in full-width form.
5 (Full-width 5) – Represents the number 5 in full-width form.
6 (Full-width 6) – Represents the number 6 in full-width form.
7 (Full-width 7) – Represents the number 7 in full-width form.
8 (Full-width 8) – Represents the number 8 in full-width form.
9 (Full-width 9) – Represents the number 9 in full-width form.
ⁱ (Superscript i) – Represents the letter i in superscript form.
ₐ (Subscript a) – Represents the letter a in subscript form.
ₑ (Subscript e) – Represents the letter e in subscript form.
ₒ (Subscript o) – Represents the letter o in subscript form.
ₓ (Subscript x) – Represents the letter x in subscript form.
ₔ (Subscript 4) – Represents the number 4 in subscript form.